Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why Happy People Are Happy


( -- We all know people whose life can only be described simply as happy. Fittingly, nature rewards these happy-go-lucky types: Being optimistic in the middle age years increases life span by at least 7.5 years – even after accounting for age, gender, socioeconomic status, and physical health. What's behind their hardiness: They minimize the destructive effects of stress. Here are four habits that longevity experts say are at the heart of a sunny disposition – and that you can adopt, too


Perhaps your neighborhood gossip is on to something: All that chitchat keeps her plugged into a thriving social network – and people who socialize at least once a week are more likely to live longer, keep their brains sharp, and prevent heart attacks. One reason: Just talking on the phone to a friend has the immediate effect of lowering your blood pressure and cortisol levels. Research shows that having good long-term relationships provides as many physical benefits as being active or a nonsmoker. Make the effort to connect with the friends you already have. Call now, and before you hang up, schedule a lunch date – personal contact is even better.


Make not of your spirits by recording happy events on paper, your computer, or a PDA. People who write about all the things they are thankful for are optimistic about the upcoming week and more satisfied overall with their lives, according to a University of California, Davis, study. They also feel physically stronger. It's hard to be bitter and mad when you're feeling grateful. But don't overdo it. Women who kept a gratitude journal only once a week got a bigger boost in happiness than those asked to record their good fortune three times a week. Find the frequency that works for you – giving thanks shouldn't feel like a chore.


Do you perform five acts of kindness in any given day? That's the number of good deeds that boosts your sense of well-being and happiness. Your karmic acts can be minor and unplanned--giving up your seat on the bus; buying an extra latte to give to a coworker. You'll find that the payback greatly exceeds the effort. You see how much you're appreciated and liked by others.


Yes, you can rewrite history – and feel better about yourself in the bargain. Set aside a little time each week to write about or record – or even just mentally revisit – an important event in your past. Reflecting on the experience can reshape your perception of it, as well as your expectations for the future. When creating this "life review," you get to list all your accomplishments – an instant self-esteem booster. Organize your historical review by epochs: your post-college years, early marriage, career, motherhood. Subdivide each section into triumphs, missteps, and lessons for the future. It's helpful to look at the bad times as well as the good. Perhaps now that a few years have passed, you'll be able to see how that breakup or failed job opportunity opened other doors and finally forgive yourself - and your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or would-be boss. Even if a memory is painful, it's good to work through it. If you can come to terms with past events, you'll be better able to handle tough times down the road. So be honest, but also go easy on yourself.

By Candace Hall, BDO Staff Writer